Friday, July 30, 2021

 sami blog hi it is me sami and i am going to  be talking about my matariki writhing

so here we start so here we go

so when i started i did
i put the backround first 

and then i put night stars on and i asks someone to help me with my work 

so they help and told me to delete the 9 stars but olny leave 1 star.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

MINECRAFT 100 days.

                                                                     SAMI AND ZAKE AND JEFFERY 

me and my friend did a 100 day in Minecraft Desert my friend invited me to a 100 days so i join and we found a village near by the spaceship when we went back we found a ravien close by the space ship and then we talk about building a city close by but it will take a very long day like 3 or 2 weeks to build it so i said no.

we talk about building a city close by but it will take a very long day like 3 or 2 weeks to build it, so i said no and then we looked for horse's and then we found 3 horse's we found this temple and it had 3 golden apple and 2 saddle's and this chest was hiding so we found it we found 3 gold sliver and sliver one again
                                              i forgot to add a name tag on mine but i  am luckey i went to the vilige an got one and now mine name is sami horse/fast one my friends horse are Boby and ding o Line.



Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Fale house points Week 9


at school we made a graph for week 9 and we use points for are Fale flag u can see down below that the

Fala points



i can see that

rata is red and kowhai is yellow and totara is green and the last one is kauri with the blue 

and they all have tree with them. 

I thing it is possible to catch up to rata but i thing it is unlikely. Kauri will need 200 hundred points a day to catch up normally teams earn 60 points.